Le Touquet

MAREE BASSE Restaurant - Bar

MAREE BASSE Restaurant - Bar | Le Touquet


General information

Payment methods

Amex, Zenchef Pay, Mobile payment, Without contact, Apple Pay, Restaurant Ticket , Contactless Payment, Eurocard/Mastercard, Restaurant Vouchers, Cash, Visa, Holiday Vouchers, Cheques, Debit Card

Opening hours

Mon - Tue


Wed - Thu

10:00 - 00:00

Fri - Sat

10:00 - 01:00


10:00 - 18:00

Contact us

You want to contact us ?
Fill in the form below!

In accordance with article L.223-2 of the French Consumer Code, consumers are reminded that they can exercise their right to register on the bloctel telephone anti-solicitation list: bloctel.gouv.fr